Sunday, November 11, 2007

This is who I'd vote for

well, if I had the chance and since the man I'd really like to vote for, Dennis Kucinich, has been marginalized because he is short and ethical. In a perfect world we'd have something more like a Kucinich / Anderson ticket and we could all go home happy. Anyway Rocky is my other guy...

Mayor Ross (Rocky) Anderson took Salt Lake City green. Not just green mind you, but Kyoto Protocol green. This guy has cojones. So check out this excerpt from his latest little speech...

"Today, as we come together once again in this great city, we raise our
voices in unison to say to President Bush, to Vice President Cheney, to other
members of the Bush Administration (past and present), to a majority of
Congress, including Utah’s entire congressional delegation, and to much of
the mainstream media: “You have failed us miserably and we won’t take it
any more.

While we had every reason to expect far more of you, you have been
pompous, greedy, cruel, and incompetent as you have led this great nation to
a moral, military, and national security abyss.

You have breached trust with the American people in the most
egregious ways. You have utterly failed in the performance of your jobs.
You have undermined our Constitution, permitted the violation of the most
fundamental treaty obligations, and betrayed the rule of law.

You have engaged in, or permitted, heinous human rights abuses of
the sort never before countenanced in our nation’s history as a matter of
official policy. You have sent American men and women to kill and be
killed on the basis of lies, on the basis of shifting justifications, without
competent leadership, and without even a coherent plan for this monumental

We are here to tell you: We won’t take it any more!"

Gives you shivers, doesn't it? Read the rest.

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