But wait there's more: Check out the new Aphrodite!

Can you believe it? " It's not just the supermodels on the cover of Cosmo, it's not just Oprah, it's not just Kiera Knightly or whatever her name is, being stretched and elongated on her movie posters. Oh, no! Even Botticelli's Venus and the Thorvaldsen Aphrodite are "too fat" and not bobble-headed enough to sell in today's market. They've been Slim-fasted and Photoshopped (or had ribs removed) because in someone's opinion, even neo-classic art lovers who would be looking to decorate their homes with reproductions of their favorite pieces would not want to look at such chubby women as artists like Botticelli chose, as models.
Can you BELIEVE this? The catalog is full of these, the "Three Graces", Rodin's women, and a poor "Hebe, Cupbearer of the Gods" who looks like she's been given silicon breast implants.
This is hilarious: it's revisionist art history, as done by the Photoshop-happy editors of Vogue."
Soooooo wrong.
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