I was kidding when I suggested that Bush might appoint himself Grand Dictator of the Universe. However, I'm one of those cynical folks who wouldn't be all that surprised if it turned out that George had decided to stay on after the party ends. Now I know you're thinking that the first Lame Duck to really deserve that moniker is gone come November 2008. Some folks are even counting the days (1 year, 4 months, 28 days.... and change.) But let's not forget that George is pretty damn comfortable with the idea that the rules don't apply to him.
Let's talk signing statements. Bush loves them. I think he's hovering around 600 constitutional challenges to laws enacted by Congress. Now George doesn't try to fight city hall by using his constitutional right to veto... heck no. He just adds an addendum that states that the law doesn't apply to him. This gives our Prez the ability to effectively rewrite the laws by reinterpreting how the law will be implemented. Nifty huh? So is it so outrageous to think that maybe silly old term limits don't apply to him either?
Then there's the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive. Basically as of May 9th, if George determines a catastrophic emergency has occurred, he can "take over all government functions and direct all private sector activities to ensure we will emerge from the emergency with an enduring constitutional government." Feeling safer now? Reaching for the Tums?
Let's face it, the idea that George might wish to maintain his little fiefdom post term isn't his alone. There was that little upstart idea of repealing the 22nd Amendment (embarrassing that 6 of the 8 sponsors in the House were Democrats... ouch.) And democracy is so obviously a terrible form of government - letting the popular opinion of the unwashed masses sway a leader from his God appointed task of bringing the world to it's knees... well that would be like listening to a focus group. A horribly liberally biased focus group. (There are actually people who believe this. There are actually people who believe the world is flat.)
And just because we haven't had an untainted presidential election in eight years, doesn't mean that this one won't be completely up and up. This is a DEMOCRACY - by the people, for the people and all that. They've fixed all that questionable election type stuff, touch screens, chads, and all. Right? Right. Well.......
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Rant o' the Day - Death in America

Seems the Department of Justice will be overseeing how the states implement their appeals process in death penalty cases. (What would they do without that Patriot Act?) So warming to the task, he's set up his favorite legal mind to get the ol' killing machine a rolling. Good old Alberto. You'd think he'd have better things to do than fast tracking people to their lethal injection, what with all that fuss about firing attorneys and such. But back when they were a team in Texas, it rarely took these two more than 30 minutes to thumbs up an execution. I imagine Gonzales can fit that in between indictments.
But wait. Didn't Bushie just declare January 19th as the National Sanctity of Human Life Day? Thousands dead in Iraq and 152 Americans to boot. Now that's a legacy.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Get a(nother) Job
Back to the lack of gray matter, folks. A couple of pharmacists here in good ol' Washington State are suing said state for violating their civil rights by insisting that they actually do the job they are paid to do. It seems that providing emergency contraception forces them to choose between "their livelihoods and their deeply held religious and moral beliefs." Awwww.
Catch a clue, boys. If your deeply held religious beliefs make you uncomfortable doing the job, get another job. Don't ask someone else to sacrifice for you. YOU make the sacrifice for your deeply held beliefs. Nobody held a gun to your head and said "be a pharmacist." Maybe you made a poor career choice. Happens all the time. I suggest you move on.
When did we get the "right" to essentially force personal religious beliefs on other people? Don't want to touch pork? Don't take a job at the deli. I doubt that a whole lot of Jehovah's Witnesses work for Starbucks. Come to think of it, what's a deeply moral person such as yourself doing working in a business that's screwing hardworking Americans left, right and central anyway? Seen "Sicko" yet? When Americans pay $100 for a med that costs about 20 cents in Cuba, I'd say you're pretty much working for Satan anyway.
And while we're at it, let's take a look at some of those prescriptions you fill without feeling that it violates your deeply held religious beliefs. How about Viagra? I doubt that the majority of those prescriptions are for procreation. Feel okay with promoting lots of possible fornication or adultery? What about methadone? How do you feel about giving addicts their fake heroin? The point is, it's none of your business. Check for interactions, count the pills, ring it up. If you believe that contraception is tantamount to murder, don't use it. Worry about your own soul. I'll worry about mine.
Catch a clue, boys. If your deeply held religious beliefs make you uncomfortable doing the job, get another job. Don't ask someone else to sacrifice for you. YOU make the sacrifice for your deeply held beliefs. Nobody held a gun to your head and said "be a pharmacist." Maybe you made a poor career choice. Happens all the time. I suggest you move on.
When did we get the "right" to essentially force personal religious beliefs on other people? Don't want to touch pork? Don't take a job at the deli. I doubt that a whole lot of Jehovah's Witnesses work for Starbucks. Come to think of it, what's a deeply moral person such as yourself doing working in a business that's screwing hardworking Americans left, right and central anyway? Seen "Sicko" yet? When Americans pay $100 for a med that costs about 20 cents in Cuba, I'd say you're pretty much working for Satan anyway.
And while we're at it, let's take a look at some of those prescriptions you fill without feeling that it violates your deeply held religious beliefs. How about Viagra? I doubt that the majority of those prescriptions are for procreation. Feel okay with promoting lots of possible fornication or adultery? What about methadone? How do you feel about giving addicts their fake heroin? The point is, it's none of your business. Check for interactions, count the pills, ring it up. If you believe that contraception is tantamount to murder, don't use it. Worry about your own soul. I'll worry about mine.
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